The gender pay gap comes in two distinct numbers the unadjusted pay gap and the adjusted pay gap. The adjusted pay gap takes into consideration the differences of hours worked, job experience, qualifications and the chosen occupation and the unadjusted pay gap is a lot more prominent. The gender pay gap has been a battle for many years under the umbrella of work in particular jobs. The ‘pay gap’ is a term to describe what is meant by the difference in pay for those who are male and those who are female, for males it is often a higher wage than for those who are female. This is an issue has stemmed back from when women won the vote and were encouraged to work.
However, there has been progress made when it comes to narrowing the pay gap between men and women for example many large employers and the government have to now show their gender pay gap figures on their website, although this is different for voluntary and private sector organisations. As part of the April 2018 regulations businesses have to publish their median pay gap figures which takes into account the wages of the average earner, they also have to publish their mean pay gap figures where they look at the extreme low earners which tend to be the representation of women in the organisation and the extreme high earners which tends to be the men that work in the organisation. Furthermore they have to publish the ratio of men to women in their work place in each quarter of the pay structure, as well as publishing the gender pay for any bonuses in that past year. Overall, employers are encouraged to produce an action plan on how they can help to narrow the gender pay gap.