22nd Annual Ethnic Minority Business Conference

Since 2016, it has become a part of our regular engagement, whereby we take an active part in this fantastic event organised by Professor Monder Ram from Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship.

RES has a very strong vision for cohesive and empowered BAMER community. Hence, we do not sit idle where there is an opportunity to represent the voice of our diverse migrant and refugee community on a forum led by both academia and corporate world. We see the input from VCS as an integral part of our role and will continue to do just so.

This year annual conference was packed with some incredible speakers ranging from Professor Richard Roberts who talked to us about the rich contribution of ethnic minority firms to the wioder society; panel discussion around productivity challenge in micro-businesses; research and practice in refugee entrepreneurship to our favourite panel discussion led by Paula Whitehouse on ideas on how to respond to the challenge and opportunity of diversity, enterprise and inclusion.

If you are interested in any aspect related to entrepreneurship in your own community and would like to get more information on how to get involved visit CREME page:

CREME Page: https://www2.aston.ac.uk/aston-business-school/research/research-centres/CREME/index

Have more time to read? An interesting article by Professor Ram regarding “A Vehicle for Critical Engagement”:

Submitted by Elizabeth Kardynal