The RES Harassment and Discrimination team offer free advice, information and support for all members of the borough of Sandwell who have experienced harassment or discrimination. The Harassment and Discrimination Team are available to draft letters on clients’ behalf, offer assistance and advice with form filling, assist with the preparation of case papers, liaise with other organisations and employers to try to get the matter resolved, refer clients to other agencies and offer support throughout the progress of their case. RES provides a safe and confidential environment for its clients. All details will be kept securely and confidentially. Clients consent will be sought before approaching or divulging any information to a third party. All cases are protected by the Data Protection Act 1998. However, clients may formally request a copy of the information held concerning them at any time.
Discrimination is when you are treated less favourably than another person in the same or similar situation to you in employment, education, dealing with authorities, trying to buy or find somewhere to live and when buying or using goods or services.
Harassment can include; verbal or physical threats, arson, abusive remarks, spitting or insulting gestures, bullying or anything which a person does that frightens, distresses or intimidates you.
RES strives to defend victims of harassment, victimisation or exclusion.